

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Family’s Smiles This Year

1. Schedule your 7-year-old’s first orthodontic checkup.   Don’t wait for a dentist’s referral. It might not come and we do not require one. Dentists may not be evaluating the child’s bite, and by age 7, your child has enough permanent teeth for our doctors to evaluate if a problem exists or is developing. Our technicians will […]

3 Ways to Prioritize Your Family’s Smiles This Year Read More »

Does my child need to wait until they have all of their permanent teeth to see an orthodontist?

A child’s mouth is a busy place. Think about a 6-year-old. Everything is growing, including the bones in the jaw and face. At around age 6, the first permanent molars appear. An exchange of teeth begins as baby teeth fall out and are replaced by larger-sized permanent teeth. And it all happens in a predictable, particular order. Unless it doesn’t.

Does my child need to wait until they have all of their permanent teeth to see an orthodontist? Read More »

Will I Need to Wear Retainers After Treatment?

Whether you’re thinking about orthodontic treatment, or currently undergoing treatment, you may be wondering, “Will I need to wear retainers after treatment?” The answer is yes, and here’s why. Getting straight teeth is only half the battle; the other half is keeping them straight, and that is where retainers come in.   Changes in tooth position are

Will I Need to Wear Retainers After Treatment? Read More »


Patients seeking orthodontic treatment rarely report a “deep bite” or “overbite” as their primary concern. Typically, they are more concerned about crowding or crooked teeth. Many are surprised when their orthodontist explains the need to “open” their bite or “level” their lower arch. What is a deep bite?   A deep bite is a malocclusion in which


Schedule Too Busy For Orthodontic Treatment? Think Again ;)

YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE NO LONGER HAS TO KEEP YOU FROM A PERFECT SMILE!   Technology has dramatically affected many aspects of daily life. Many tasks take less time.  Advances in technology have allowed six- to ten-week intervals between orthodontic appointments that fit even the busiest of schedules. It’s all about the materials used in today’s

Schedule Too Busy For Orthodontic Treatment? Think Again ;) Read More »