Every February, we celebrate heart health — because no other muscle is more deserving of our love. Our hearts give us life, and that makes us smile.
This month, we’re collaborating with the American Heart Association to raise funds in hopes of finding a cure for heart disease and stroke. Everyone should be given an opportunity to live a longer, healthier life, and that’s the reason we give.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the No. 1 killer of women. It claims more women’s lives than all forms of cancer combined.
It’s not just a problem for “older” women. Heart disease and stroke can affect a woman at any age. In fact, new research shows heart attacks are on the rise in younger women. That’s why it’s important for all women to take charge of their heart health and encourage others to do the same. #LifeIsWhyWeGive
Your gift funds innovative research for more effective treatments. Your support also helps train first-responders in cardiovascular care, enables 22 million people to learn CPR each year, and empowers countless families – and communities – to live heart healthy.
Your support saves lives. Since February 2018, The American Heart Association has reduced the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease by 15% and stroke by 14.3%. And we aren’t finished!
Please give today.