There are several myths floating around about braces. Some people believe braces can give you the ability to pick up radio signals, while others believe braces interfere with romance and even metal detectors in airports. Before you buy into the myths that are circulating out there, lets us set the record straight.
Myth #1: Once I get my braces off my teeth will be straight forever!
Fact: This is part true and false. When your braces are removed you will be given a retainer, if you wear it as instructed your teeth will stay straight. If you choose not to, it is possible that your teeth can shift out of alignment.
Myth #2: I’m too old for braces.
Fact: It is simply not true that you cannot get braces when you become an adult. A beautiful smile can happen at any age. The fact is 1 out of every 5 people treated by an orthodontist is an adult.
Myth #3: Braces are extremely painful.
Fact: This is sometimes said to scare people, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. This is not to say that braces aren’t uncomfortable at times, but after the adjustment period, you will get use to your braces and forget they are there. Here we have a great big list of braces-friendly foods for those sore mouth days.
Myth #4: Traditional braces are my only option.
Fact: This is false. You have options! Advances in orthodontic technology have improved braces and even rendered them unnoticeable. Ask us about Invisalign and discuss which option fits your situation.
Myth #5: Braces pick up radio signal.
Fact: This is impossible.
Myth #6: Braces take two or more years for desired results.
Fact: Orthodontic treatment varies from person to person, some people may only have to wear braces for a few months.
Myth # 7: I can’t play sports with braces.
Fact: Yes you can, but it is important to remember to wear a mouth guard in contact sports. Mouth guards can ultimately protect your teeth and help prevent jaw fractures.
Myth # 8: I can’t play a musical instrument with braces.
Fact: Yes you can play an instrument with braces. Depending on the particular instrument, there may be difficulty and an adjustment period, but it is not impossible to play an instrument with braces.
Myth #9: Braces will set off metal detectors at airports.
Fact: Because braces are made of lightweight materials, they will not set off metal detectors.
Myth #10: Can I still sing with braces?
Fact: Yes you can still sing with braces. Watch this amazing example of someone doing just that. With everything new comes an adjustment period, hang in there, any difficulties you encounter will not last.
Myth #11: Can I kiss with braces.
Fact: You’ve heard the age-old, “you’ll get your braces tangled if you kiss.” This is not impossible, but the odds of it happening are very unlikely.
*Remember orthodontic treatment is suitable for patients of all ages. Treatment can be accomplished with minimal discomfort and in a reasonable time period that can have lasting results. Now that you know the truth about braces, feel comfortable to go and enjoy life.